The following rules govern the voting process in relation to the music awards titled Basadi in Music Awards (“BIMA”) (herein referred to as “The Awards”). The Awards are aimed at awarding excellence by women in music, by means of a popular voting system. Please note that these rules are subject to change from time to time, and the changes will be at the sole discretion of the administrators and managers of BIMA. 

The third award ceremony of BIMA will be held in Johannesburg during the month of August 2024. 


Voted for Categories 

  1. Amapiano artist of the year
  2. Artist of the Year
  3. Best Styled Artist of the year of the year
  4. Collaboration of the year
  5. Dance artist of the year
  6. DJ of the Year
  7. Entertainment Journalist of the year
  8. Entertainment Radio Presenter of the year
  9. Entertainment radio producer of the year
  10. Entertainment TV producer of the year
  11. Gospel artist of the year
  12. Hip Hop artist of the year
  13. Jazz artist of the year
  14. Music TV Show presenter of the year
  15. Music Video of the year
  16. Newcomer of the Year
  17. Pop artist of the year
  18. Reggae artist of the year
  19. Sofnfree Afro Pop artist of the year
  20. Song of the year
  21. Songwriter of the year powered Sheer Publishing
  22. Traditional artist of the year

 Non-voted for categories:

  1. Lifetime achievement award
  2. Spar Humanitarian Award
  3. Most Streamed Female Song (on digital platform)
  4. Highest airplay
  5. CEO Mosadi in Business Achievement Award
  6. Trailblazer of the year


The chart below summarizes the nominations and voting periods, methods, and limits. The rules are fully described below: 

Voting Window


Voting Methods Permitted


Voting Limit

Open Call for nominations

19 April 2024 to 19 May 2024.


The public can nominate their favourite artist/candidate by sending a text to the official SMS line, texting the respective category code, artist/candidate name, name of the song and category code.



27 June 2024 to 28 July 2024.


The voters choose from among the top nominees after the expiry of the Nomination Voting Window


Eligible winners


Text and purchasing bundle votes via credit card method.

For clarity, voters will choose from the top 5 (five) nominated artists in each category and the nominees with the most votes becomes the winner.




  • The awards are aimed at awarding excellence by women in music. For purposes of clarity, woman shall mean individuals who are identified as such.
  • All dates and times as per the chart above are for the year 2024. The times are from 12:00 AM CAT (or such other time as may be announced by BIMA).
  • BIMA and/or its authorized committee may select winner(s) for additional honorary awards in certain additional regions or categories, in such instances the award(s) will not be subject to a vote, safe to say that BIMA will appoint a special committee to adjudicate over that award.
  • Inquiries in respect of the nomination and voting process can be obtained by sending an email to


  1. Nomination and voting process, availability and limits

  During the nomination voting windows, the public may submit votes via text to 49960.

  During the winners voting window, the public may submit votes via text to 49960 or vote by purchasing voting bundles via credit card on the website.

 Nomination, voting process and Limits 

  • The voting method will be by SMS and credit card bundle purchases.
  • One SMS per category equals one vote/ a R20 bundle purchase via the credit link equates to 10 votes.
  • There is no limit to the number of votes per voter and/or per category.
  • The songs eligible to be voted into any category must have been released between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.
  • The songs that are eligible must be released and available on either a digital platform or for sale as a physical copy.
  • BIMA reserves the right to disqualify a nominee based on quality of music which will be determined by the BIMA Selected Committee.
  • BIMA reserves the right to change the voting dates and/or period at any time and upon publishing the notice thereof on the appropriate platforms without necessarily having to provide the reasons for the changes thereof.
  • Nominations will open, commencing at 23:00 CAT 19 April 2024, until Midnight CAT on 19 May 2024 (the “Nomination Window”).
  • Nominations received after the closing date and time will be disqualified.
  • In the event that a category receives less than five entries, the BIMA selection committee reserves the right to nominate qualifying entrants or cancel the category for the year.
    In the case where information about a nominee cannot be established or confirmed the entry will be disqualified. 
  1. Voting Windows/period 
  • Voting window

The voting periods are as outlined in the rules chart, although these rules may change from time to time at the discretion of BIMA (subject to prior and publication on the website and related communications platforms). 

2.2       Voting period

  • Voting will open commencing on 27 June 2024
  • Voting lines will close at Midnight on 28 July 2024
  • Each category eligible for voting will have top five (5) nominees.
  • Voters can vote via SMS.
  • The total number of all consolidated valid votes carried out within the official voting period will determine the winner. 
  1. Voting Costs
    • SMS
    • Each SMS will cost R2.00 (Two ZAR). Network fees may apply.
    • Handset compatibility subject to the availability of an SMS Application.
    • Free SMS does not apply. 
  • Credit Card Link
  • Cost of a voting bundle is R20.00(Twenty ZAR).
  • Each bundle of purchase of R20.00 equates to 10 votes.
  • Minimum bundle that can be purchased is for R20.00(Twenty ZAR)   
  1. Selection of Winners
  • The nominee who receives the highest number of valid votes in each category, as determined by the BIMA selection committee, will be deemed the winner of that respective category save for where stated otherwise in these rules.
  • In the event two or more nominees receive the same number of votes , the nominees that have tied in votes will announce joint winners.
  • BIMA may appoint a special committee to preside over and declare a winner for a specific special category.
  • The BIMA committee reserves the right to disqualify any nominee or potential winner if, at any time before or during the awards, such nominee or potential winner is subject to adverse publicity relating to such nominee’s or potential winner’s involvement in any act which is illegal, or insults or offends community moral standards or public decency and/or if such an occurrence may result in bringing the awards’ credibility to disrepute.
  • The right to disqualify a nominee based on the above grounds shall at all times be at the sole discretion of BIMA.
  • The votes will be audited by a reputable auditing firm. 
  1. Disclaimers
  • BIMA and each of its respective direct or indirect subsidiaries, related and affiliated entities and persons, and each of their respective agents, officers, directors, employees, managers, members, contractors, and their respective successors, licensees and assigns, and any other entity involved in the development, administration, promotion, or implementation of the SMS nomination and voting process and these rules are not responsible for and shall not be liable for: difficulties, failures or malfunctions of phones (including wireless phones/handsets) tablets and/or other devices, phone lines or telephone systems or other communications malfunctions, cellular equipment towers, telephone systems or wireless services; interrupted or unavailable networks, communication or report; traffic congestion or for any technical or other problem which may cause the voting to be disrupted or corrupted.
  • If for any reason the nomination and/or voting is not capable of being executed as planned, or if there is an infection by a virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or technical or reporting failures, or if any other causes beyond the control of the awards corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this nomination and voting, BIMA reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to take any action they deem necessary and appropriate, including the withdrawal of any vote., but are in no way obligated to do so.
  • The Awards may, but are not obligated to, permanently disqualify any person from voting in the event where the awards believes that the person has intentionally violated these rules.
  • BIMA may terminate or suspend voting at any point and declare the vote results based on the votes up to that point.
  • BIMA may terminate/suspend voting if it appears that the voting process has been so distorted by hacking, failures, errors or other interference that the results would not reflect actual valid votes should the voting continue.
  • In the event of technical or reporting difficulties with any of the nomination and voting methods, including, but not limited to, mobile or internet service interruptions BIMA may in its sole discretion, reserve the right to review the votes for accuracy and to take any action they deem appropriate, including, without limitation, voiding all votes cast during the time period.
  • The Awards and nominees assume no responsibility for any injury or damage to participants or voters or to any person’s phone or mobile device or other property relating to or resulting from entering or downloading materials, applications or software in connection with this vote, or otherwise participating in this nomination and voting.
  • The Awards and nominees are not responsible for telecommunications, network, electronic, technical or computer failures of any kind, for inaccurate transcription or reporting of nomination and voting information, errors in any promotional or marketing materials, for any human or electronic error, or for votes or reports that are stolen, misdirected, garbled, delayed by phone or mobile device transmissions, lost, or late.
  • By participating, each individual agrees to release and hold the nominees and the awards harmless against any and all claims and liabilities of any kind arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, out of such individual’s participation in the nomination and voting.
  • These rules are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the award committee.
  • Notification regarding any such change will be published on the BIMA website. 
  1. Service Provider Disclaimers
  • LogicSMS is a member of WASPA and is bound by the WASPA Code of Conduct. Customers have the right to approach WASPA to lodge a complaint in accordance with the WASPA complaints procedure. LogicSMS may be required to share information relating to a service or a customer with WASPA for the purpose of resolving a complaint. WASPA web site:
  • LogicSMS  has the right to suspend or terminate the services of any customer who does not comply with these terms and conditions or any other related contractual obligations.
  • LogicSMS has the right to take down any content (hosted as part of the service) that it considers illegal or for which it has received a take-down notice.
  • Paystack is the service provider used as payment gateway for the credit card purchases.
  • Paystacks terms and conditions can be found on this link 
  1. Voter’s warranty

    The voter, hereby acknowledges and warrants that their use, application and/or vote using the SMS shortcode and/or credit card bundle            purchase will not and/or is not tantamount:

  • To intentionally engaging in illegal conduct;
  • To knowingly creating, storing or disseminating any illegal content;
  • To knowingly infringe copyright;
  • To knowingly infringe any intellectual property rights, or
  • To send spam or promote the sending of spam. 
  • Where the voter is minor, the voter acknowledges and warrants that permission from a legal guardian has been obtained to participate in the voting process. 
  1. Conditions for Nominations and Voting
  • By nominating or voting, a voter agrees to be bound by the official rules of the Awards.
  • BIMA reserves the right, for any reason and in their sole discretion without any obligation, to modify, suspend or discontinue the voting without prior notice.
  • BIMA reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this nomination and voting process at any time in their sole discretion. 
  1. Dispute Resolution 
  • These rules, and submission of your vote, are governed by, and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
  • The venue for any dispute resolution shall be in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • If the controversy or claim is not otherwise resolved through direct discussions or mediation, it shall then be resolved by final and binding arbitration administered by judicial arbitration and mediation services in accordance with its arbitration rules and procedures or subsequent versions thereof.
  • Except where prohibited, voters agree that any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with these rules or the award ceremony, including, but not limited to, the determination of the nominees, finalists, or winners, shall be resolved individually.
  • Any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with voting. 
  1. Waiver and Severability 
  • BIMA’s failure to enforce any term of these rules shall not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of the rules.
  • Should any provision in these rules be deemed void, invalid, illegal, unenforceable or inoperative, such invalid, illegal, unenforceable or inoperative section or provision shall not affect any other section or provision hereof, and the remainder of these rules shall be effective as though such void, invalid, illegal, unenforceable or inoperative section or provision had not been contained herein. 

11.1 The non-voting categories of awards shall be determined by a special panel selected by BIMA and/or material available to the general public insofar as it relates to Most Streamed Female Song award.

11.2  No public nominations and/or voting is available for this category of awards.

11.3  The following criteria shall apply to the CAPASSO Most Streamed Female Song Award:

11.3.1  The purpose of this special category and award is to acknowledge / provide recognition to the Most Streamed Song composed by a female. 

11.3.2 The award which is sponsored by CAPASSO seeks to highlight the creativity of women with specific attention across the 3 (three) main digital platforms.

11.3.3  The award is determined in respect of streams and/or releases between April of previous year to March of the current year. 

11.3.4  The winner of this category must satisfy all of the 4 (four) following requirements, namely; 

  1. must be a woman (as per the BIMA definition of woman);
  2. must be a CAPASSO member;
  3. must have a minimum of 50% (fifty percent) ownership in the composition of the musical work (song);
  4. The musical work (song) must not be subject to a dispute in respect of the composers or otherwise during the eligibility period. 
  1. Inquiries

 Any inquiries related to BIMA and/or official nomination and voting rules may be directed to:

 Terms and Conditions: 

  1. BIMA reserves the right to reasonably extend, shorten, suspend the time period for entry and/or voting and/or terminate the processes for technical, commercial, and/or operational reasons, or for reasons beyond its control.
  2. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
  3. Copies of these terms and conditions are visible on BIMA website and will be made available to entrants via email on request. It is the sole responsibility of the nominee/s to familiarise themselves with these Rules which BIMA may amend from time to time without notice to the nominee/s.
  4. The nominee/s understand and agree that in order to host the awards, BIMA must collect and use the personal information of the nominee/s. The collection and processing thereof is conducted under the terms of applicable privacy laws.
  5. By submitting the nomination/s, all nominee/s consent to the use of their personal data by the BIMA and/or third party agent of BIMA (“third party”) for the purposes of the administration of this awards and any other purposes to which the nominee/s has consented.
  6. This competition is not open to:

6.1       persons who are either a director, member, partner, employee or agent of BIMA, any consultant, agent, sponsor of BIMA, as well as any family members of the BIMA’s employees.

6.2       a supplier of goods or services in connection with the competition.

7. BIMA shall not be responsible for nominations that are submitted late, incomplete, incorrect, illegible, corrupted or that are damaged, delayed or not received due to technical problems howsoever arising.

  1. The nominee/s unconditionally and irrevocably indemnify and hold harmless BIMA and/or third party and its successors, employees, officers, suppliers/service providers, contractors, agents, consultants, directors and shareholders against all and any losses, claims, proceedings, actions, damages (direct, indirect, consequential or of whatsoever nature), liability, demands, expenses, legal costs (on an attorney and own client basis), medical costs, injury or damage to property howsoever arising out of, including from wilful misconduct or negligent acts or omissions on the part of any such person, based upon, or in connection with (directly or indirectly) the nominee/s participation in the competition, to the maximum permitted by law.
  2. BIMA and/or third party agent shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses whatsoever which the nominee/s or any other person incurs during and/or for purposes of entry/submission for the awards including the acceptance, receipt and/or use of a prize.
  3. BIMA reserves the right to cancel or alter any aspects of the competition at any time and at its sole discretion without any liability whatsoever and howsoever arising.
  4. If an entrant contravenes these rules, the entrant may be disqualified from the competition at the sole discretion of BIMA. 

These terms and conditions are subject to change at BIMA’s sole discretion without any communication.